Plan miasta Zubra

Zubra - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Estate 2010: Bas Languedoc ? Catalu?a ? Andorra

Luned? 16 agosto 2010. Smontiamo la tenda (oggettivamente la parte pi? dura di tutto il ?processo campeggio?) e, dopo aver bissato la splendida colazione con baguette, ci mettiamo in marcia alla volta di Matar?. Entriamo in autostrada e ...
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Lehman Brothers' Art Collection Goes on the Block - WNYC

To pay those claims, Lehman is selling off its assets including its real estate holdings, mortgages, and even its art collection. On Saturday, Sotheby's will auction off 147 works of contemporary art that once hung on the walls and filled the ... "It is kind of bittersweet to see this here, on the other hand I think the public benefits from being able to see this collection,? said Zubrow. Both agreed it is under sad circumstances that the works were being auctioned. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

1000 ways to waste working time

Inform a colleague about the difference between a zubra and a zebra. Invent new items for a later edition of this book. Invent signals that you can send across a field. Invent a caption for this picture ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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